About Us


The National Association of Nigerian Traders NANTS

Is the umbrella organization of traders in raw materials, industrial and finished goods, (locally made and imported) in Nigeria. However, owing to the interlink between market access and production of goods, NANTS membership mandate was in 2007 expanded to include local manufacturers of consumer goods, local raw materials providers as well as local Farmers Networks. At the present, NANTS is composed of 157 Unit Associations and over 71,000 Small Scale Farmers. The Vision of NANTS is to “advance trade beyond buying and selling to a vehicle for social justice, human rights, sustainable development and poverty reduction” .

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The Mission of NANTS is “promoting trade and economic advancement, and championing the cause of the Entrepreneur through strategic programmes and policy interventions.”

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The Core Values of NANTS are to uphold the following

The Core Values of NANTS are to uphold the following

i.Gender inclusivity
ii.Respect for diversity and inclusiveness iii.Mutual accountability and transparency (iv.)Team spirit and unity of purpose (v. )Evidence-based engagement (vi.)Proactive agenda to trade and investment policies (vii.)Commitment to agriculture development and food security.

Welcome to Whitehall

Inner Metropolitan Municipality

City Was “Founded in 1839”

Righteous indignation & dislike men who are so beguiled demoralized by the charms pleasure the moment so blinded by desires that they cannot foresee to bound.

  • Administrative Practices
  • Carry out the Duties
  • Develop the Municipaity
  • Maintain Financial Integrity
  • Represent the Public
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Council Information

Council Information

Demoralized by the charm some pleasure of the moment so blinded.

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Latest Annual Plan

Latest Annual Plan

Demoralized by the charm some pleasure of the moment so blinded.




It is interesting to note that NANTS has indeed built in a strategic entry point from field actions and activities resonating from her strength and experience gained overtime. This approach has a way of critically positioning the organization to remain a solution not only to the needs of her members but also to the nation and society at large.

This strategy appears to have also responded to the SWOT analysis carefully placed on the table and factually designed in a way that operationalizes and addresses the sustainability of projects being targeted. The imperativeness of the handholding of smallscale farmers, traders, artisans and producers at the same time with the focus of producing a win-win environment and collectively beneficial goal as highlighted must be commended.

Specifically, the outlined interventions of NANTS are cantered on trade, economic development and agriculture and are designed from a value chain development and rights-based approach in order to assist her small-scale members in areas of livelihoods enhancement, poverty reduction and sustainable development. The character of information dissemination on current technologies, farming methods and improved approaches to enhanced productivity are subjects that can appropriately place linkage to and value on the SDGs.

The influencing approach on and outreach to the Federal and State Governments in Nigeria, as well as ECOWAS and the continent (within the dictates of relevant domestic, regional and global policy instruments including ECOWAP, CAADP, WTO rules, etc) to be responsive to local producers through commitments in trade and agricultural policy trust also speaks volumes about the credibility of the strategy.

It is therefore believed that this strategy is well placed to respond to the concerns eloquently voiced out by critical members, and therefore should be a worthy investment.

The Interventions of NANTS Are Cantered On Trade, Economic Development and Agriculture and Are Designed from A Value Chain Development and Rights-Based Approach in Order to Assist Her Small-Scale Members Around the Following Objectives


Livelihood of members


Livelihood of members

particularly small-scale producers, traders and farmers in the NANTS network.


Dissemination of


Dissemination of

To disseminate information on current technologies, farming methods and improved approaches to the small-scale farmers for enhanced productivity.


To improve access
to finance


To improve access
to finance

which has remained the bane of improved small-scale sector productivity in Nigeria.


Increase capacity of farmers


Increase capacity of farmers

To increase the capacity of small-scale farmers on cost/benefits analysis that would improve their livelihoods.





To influence the Federal and State


To influence the Federal and State

Governments In Nigeria ECOWAS and the continent (within the dictates of relevant domestic, regional and global policy instruments including ECOWAP, CAADP, WTO rules, etc) to be responsive to local producers through commitments in trade and agricultural policy trust.


Improve small
scale producers


Improve small
scale producers

To improve small scale producers’ market access through the instrumentality of NANTS designed strategies.



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Jobs at
Our City Govt


Jobs at
Our City Govt

Except to obtain some from it but who has any right find enjoy a pleasure.


Our Building &


Our Building &

Except to obtain some from it but who has any right find enjoy a pleasure.





Except to obtain some from it but who has any right find enjoy a pleasure.


Venue &
Facilities Hire


Venue &
Facilities Hire

Except to obtain some from it but who has any right find enjoy a pleasure.

The Activities engaged on agriculture by NANTS include

NANTS Agric Activities and Project Interventions

Micro credit administration

and assistance to local farmers to improve their access to finance.

Information dissemination

to local farmers

Establishing Grain banking strategy

to dislodge cartel structure of farm products and improve the earnings of small-scale farmers.

Capacity building

through extended training of local farmers on crop budgeting, farm accounting, costing of inputs for the purpose of determining profitability in agric business.

The Gender Action Learning System


Intensified advocacy and sustained engagement

with federal and states governments on agricultural policies and commitments on the sector for improved livelihoods for local farmers

Expansion of farmers networks

to all states in Nigeria.

Research and studies on topical trade

and agric related issues such as land grabbing, access to agric finance, bio-fuels, cotton and textiles, gender audit on agric policies, etc.

IFAD funded Gender Justice in Value

Chain Development Project (VCDP) in rural agric based communities in Nigeria.

Agric budget monitoring,

in line with African Maputo Declaration, and this has further support from Oxfam, ECOWAS, etc.

NANTS is currently implementing

the USAID 5-year productivity and livelihoods enhancement training project for farmers in Nigeria targeted at Rice and Cassava value chains.

NANTS is also a Principal Technical Partner

for the IFAD-Federal government of Nigeria intervention on Agriculture mapping Farmer organizations in Nigeria for the implementation of the Value Chain Development Programme.

NANTS has established small scale rice mill

in Nasarawa state of Nigeria, courtesy of TY Danjuma Foundation.

NANTS is the publisher

of different Newsletter series captioned as follows: (a) “Farm and Food”, (b) “Trade Policy Monitor” and (c) “ECOWAS Vanguard” which constantly x-rays agric and trade policies and programmes and approaches to livelihoods and food security in the region.

NANTS is currently implementing

the ‘do agric’ campaign in Nigeria.

City Information

Information & Attractions

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Our Awards

City Council Be Proud Awards

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City Women’s Day

City Women’s Day

Righteous indignation and men who are so demoralized by the charm pleasure.

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City Community

City Community

Righteous indignation and men who are so demoralized by the charm pleasure.

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City Sustainability

City Sustainability

Righteous indignation and men who are so demoralized by the charm pleasure.

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